Investigate task
The Problem: I have chosen to make a website on my
country of origin Palestine. I have chosen it as many people around the world
don’t know what or even where Palestine is. They haven’t heard about it and if
they have then they heard about the war and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
What the people don’t know is that Palestine is so much more than that. By
making this website, I would like to educate people about Palestine. Palestine
is very rich in its unique culture and history. It is considered the holy
land by three major religions. Judiasm,
Islam and Christianity. By creating this website, I would like to make
Palestine more famous and allow people to have proper knowledge of this beautiful
ancient country that dates back to 10,000 BC! I will make about 6 pages in the
website. The homepage, the history page, the geography page, the culture page,
the facts page and the contact us page to enhance the reader’s knowledge on
Solutions and the chosen one: I’ve come across many solutions to the problem. I could advertise my
country by handing out pamphlets in public, or by creating a poster and stick
it in a popular place or even making a legitimate advertisement on TV and or
just make a website for everyone to see
on the internet. In the end, I have
chosen to make a website as its one of the most simple and long lasting source
of information for the public. Handing out pamphlets won’t really have an
impact as people can just throw it in the bin and not even take a glance at it.
Make a poster is a good idea but it isn’t really as effective as making a
website. And making an advertisement on TV is very costly, it won’t be shown
forever and again it isn’t really as effective. I believe making a website
would really be a hit and anyone across the world can see it.
Hardware and software I’ll use:
Dreamweaver /website maker
Google chrome
Microsoft word
Areas of interaction:
The website I will be using will cover two areas of
interaction. By creating this website, I’ll cause awareness, concern, and educate
people on my country and this is a part of the Community Service. And the website is concerning the
intellectual , attitudes, strategies, and skills that will result in critical,
coherent, and independent thought. I will produce high quality work and this
covers the Approaches to learning
Ridge, Lola. “Palestine.” Poetry
X. Ed. Jough Dempsey. 19 Dec 2004. 12 Apr. 2014
"Israel- Palestine
Conflict". Anti Essays. 12 Apr. 2014
Yonah, A History of the Holy Land (tr. 1969); EscoFoundation for Palestine, Palestine: A Study of Jewish, Arab, andBritish Policies (2 vol., 1947, repr. 1970); J. C. Hurewitz, Strugglefor Palestine (1950, repr. 1968); J. W. Parkes, The Emergence ofthe Jewish Problem, 1878-1939 (1946, repr. 1970) and WhoseLands? A History of the Peoples of Palestine (1971); A. Schalit,ed., The Hellenistic Age: Political History of Jewish Palestine from332 B.C.E. to 67 B.C.E. (1972); M. Russell, Palestine (1985); J.Murphy-O'Connor, The Holy Land: An Archaeological Guide fromEarliest Times to 1700 (1986); I. Abu-Lughod, ed., TheTransformations of Palestine (2d ed. 1987); T. Segev, OnePalestine, Complete: Jews and Arabs under the British Mandate (2000); B. Morris, The Birth of the Palestinian Refugee Problem,1947-1949 (1987) and The Birth of the Palestinian RefugeeProblem Revisited (2004); G. Krämer, A History of Palestine: Fromthe Ottoman Conquest to the Founding of the State of Israel (2002, tr. 2008).
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